Saturday, February 17, 2007

south arrow

the north arrow is a widely accepted as a crucial map element. but don't get it twisted! resist top-down, trickle-down cartography! hail the omnidirectional smoke signals for in this,
our world, our conviction is devoured by conviction! cursorily weaned through an economy of scale and prepared for the convection, our tenderness measured only by precooked mass, where searing parboiling and poaching provide inadequate introductions. only our relations can defect from market imposition, only an auto-recall of the industrial complex, only a reunification of exotic meats in the happy family of the global south pu-putting on a sightseeing visa pressing the flash on the northern whites. elusive and underexposed, subject of attrition, the revoultion will not be tenderized.

look at "antipocentric" and "globalownercentric"
more maps, most still with borders though... know your enemy?

p.s. speak up if you saw this one coming!

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