Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Al dente, motherfucker

Being out of work is a full time job- with additional night hours since what does it matter what time you get up in the morning?

I posted some photos in GovernmentSpace. If there are deep inconsistencies between the world pictured there and the one I describe, let me know and I will try to slow things down for you here. And I apologize if I left un-obscured any fingerprints, license plates, or faces below the eyes, above the eyebrows, or below the belt. Let me know and I will take those down, thank you very much.

I am eating a bowl of plain nachos I scored at Price Rice. What a great store. In the neighborhood. People I know work there. People I know shop there- even the ones with jobs. Where else can you eat so poorly for so cheap? Bell peppers the size of your head, kid! Too bad they close at like 9. Also went to Unhoaly Foods this week, which is extra good when you don't have a job. Because it's not like they could fire you if you got caught burying the tofu salami... in your pocket. I spent like 9$ and change- I didn't even buy any food- and I chardged it, too. But now even though I am big shot I cannot give my receipt away because it has my tarjeta on it. Watch out for that one, young bantam booster.

I think tomorrow night I am spinning some records. Don't hold your breath for the club info secret password drink tickets and VIP. Wojocratic is 100% straight out the tenement. On this one. Might have my boy, Recently Buffed, come through. He got paper bubblejet stickers made up from his latest project, Recently Buffed: "Off a vacant building," featuring the Mayor's Own "Alcalde? Al dente!" Graffiti Task Force. He would like to remind you that 5% of all organic buffer butter profits goes directly toward your next buff- or Buff Chace- of your choice.


Which reminds me; I've got storyboards.

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